of the speed of bioremedation in absorbents using petroleum products. According
to the contract between two sides, the purpose of current work is to examine the
speed of biodegradation of petroleum product in hardly polluted hydrophobic
absorbent. For
the test JORESIN OY provided six (6) different samples in plastic bags, that
contained absorbents polluted with petroleum products and textile with
polysaccharose in equal amounts. The weight of entire test material was 148,72
g, from which 79,07 g was textile and 69,72-g absorbent. According to the
clients request, the test where curried out in the style of average sample. For
that purpose all samples where mixed together. Referring
to the literature materials (1-4) and experience of laboratory, it was assumed
that the process of biodegradation in hydrophobic environment is slow. The lab
decided to perform parallel test, in that case the accelerator for
biodegradation ”Hydrobreak Plus”
@ 1% was added to the test. Experimental
Method Tests
where carried out in an isolated environment, where there was a guaranteed
replacement of carbon dioxide with oxygen, in order to maintain the constant
pressure for oxygen during the entire test. The temperature during the test was
20+/-2 C. Test
material was located in the environment of saturated water vapor during the
entire test period. During the test the volume of petroleum products was
determined once a month in the form of share tests in the method of abstract
(3g) from textile and from absorbents. The content of petroleum products in the
share test was determined with the infra red spectrographometer and in addition
in August and October with gas chromatography.
Results Results
of analyses (mg petroleum products in 1g sample) are given in the table and
presented in graph:
containing of petroleum products in absorbent and in textile
Results 1.
The biodegradation of petroleum products in the examined tests takes
place slowly. The supplement Hydrobreak Plus speeded up the process of
biodegradation noticeably. 2.
The main reason behind low speed of biodegradation is the high
hydrophobic environment. Adding the hydrophilic substance Hydrobreak Plus
speeded up the process of degradation essentially. 3.
In order to speed up the process of biodegradation it is advised to add
the component of hydrophilic to the environment, which can be; sawdust smashed
bark of tree, mill peat, soil etc. The relationship between materials added and
sorbs may be 1: 1. 4.
During the trial period in the visual observation degrades more then half
of polysaharos thin layer. 5.
All recommendations given above are in the qualitative nature and demand
optimizing. Literature